Recreational fishers.
Your voice.
Photo Credit: Ailsa McGilvary-Howard
Fish Mainland is a new not-for-profit organisation with the aim of providing a unified voice for the marine recreational fishing community in the South Island and Stewart Island.
Fish Mainland acknowledges recreational fishing is a valuable and integral component of South Island fisheries, as are commercial and Māori non-commercial customary fishing, and that a healthy marine environment is crucial to the wellbeing of all sectors and interests.
Fish Mainland is designed to support the valuable contribution that fishing makes to the health and wellbeing of South Island fishers and communities. It is also designed to demonstrate the ability to work respectfully and collaboratively with the Government, Iwi, the other fishing sectors and interests to find workable solutions that provide the best public outcomes.
Latest News
Our Purpose
Learn more about Fish Mainland and its purpose, vision and objectives for recreational fishing in New Zealand.
Photo Credit: Tautuku Fishing Club
Becoming a member of Fish Mainland is more than showing a bit of support. Join the movement today! Read More
Photo Credit: Ian Barker
Find out more about what we do and why we do it. Read our Policies
Photo Credit: The Fishing Paper & Hunting News
There are 2 types of Memberships available, click here to view.
Photo Credit: Tautuku Fishing Club
Donate to Fish Mainland
Fish Mainland cannot be possible without your commitment and financial contributions.
Important Messages
The Working Group that designed Fish Mainland and continues to progress its establishment would like to thank those who have shown their support by signing up as members and making donations. Your support is especially critical at this early stage.
The Working Group has been acting Directors of Fish Mainland’s Board until the first election was held for Regional Directors and the South Island Iwi appoint other Directors on 31 October 2020.
Please encourage others to learn about Fish Mainland, sign up as members and consider what donation they can make at this time.
That way, those members who reside and/or own property in the South Island or Stewart Island will have the right to nominate candidate Directors and elect a Director in their respective regions.
Finally, we continue to improve our communication with you via this website and https://www.facebook.com/fishmainlandnz
“Fish Mainland is designed to be a fully functioning, professional organisation that represents the diverse interests of the 100,000+ South Islanders who fish in the marine environment.”
Photo Credit (left to right): Tautuku Fishing Club, Tautuku Fishing Club, Fishing Paper & Hunting News, Fishing Paper & Hunting News