The Price of Fish
The Price of Fish presents a one-sided view on the QMS, supported by interviews of well-known opponents of QMS-type systems.
Blue cod catch, transit rules alter
Changes to the blue cod fishery are under way. However, there is a catch, writes Randall Bess.
Blue cod rule changes
Blue cod is the most popular finfish species caught by recreational fishers in South Island waters. Recently, Cabinet approved some management rule changes to be enacted 1 July.
Building a plane out of bananas, and other dumb ideas
LegaSea’s Rescue Fish plan, released two weeks ago, is apparently the answer to ‘restoring fish stocks and revitalising New Zealand’s commercial fishing sector’.
Fish Mainland
Fish Mainland is a new not-for-profit organisation with the aim of providing a unified voice for the marine recreational fishing community in the South Island and Stewart Island.
Consultation on the draft pāua fisheries plan for PAU3
Fisheries New Zealand is seeking your input into the draft pāua fisheries plan for PAU3 which has been developed by PAU3 Industry Association Incorporated (PauaMAC3) on behalf of all PAU3 quota owners and harvesters, and with the involvement and support of Ngāi Tahu, Te Korowai, and Fisheries New Zealand.
Rock Lobster regulations
Following consultation, the Minister of Fisheries has made decisions on 3 measures proposed by the National Rock Lobster Management Group for recreational fishers in the CRA5 (Canterbury/Marlborough) rock lobster fishery.